
Once a child’s place at Blooming Tree Pre-preparatory School is confirmed and the child starts attending our school, the next steps involve conducting a formal evaluation of the pupil’s current level of skills and barriers to learning using either one or a combination of the assessments available (VB-MAPP, ABLLS-R, AFLS, Pre-Key Stage 1, Pre-Key Stage 2) to determine the child’s baseline and develop a programme that will meet their needs. The individualised programme always aims to incorporate the child’s interests as motivation is always the key to a successful intervention.

Our programmes include:

  • Communication and language development
  • Group and social skills
  • Play and Leisure skills
  • Daily Living skills
  • Cognitive skills
  • Academics
  • Physical development (gross, fine and oral motor)

Once our individualised learning programmes are developed, they are implemented in 1:1 and small group sessions as appropriate by trained teachers and RBTs under the meticulous oversight of the BCBAs. We will work closely with parents and carers to provide a holistic approach that best suits the child and their family’s needs. Furthermore, we can provide counselling services to parents and carers, as we are aware of their need for support in coping with the everyday challenges they face in providing the best support for their children.

In delivering our teaching, we incorporate principles and strategies from the following approaches:

  • Verbal Behaviour (VB),
  • Relational Frame Theory (RFT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Functional Communication Training (FCT),
  • Pivotal Response Training (PRT),
  • Natural Environment Teaching (NET) and
  • Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

We also use Functional Analysis (FA) to help us understand behaviour whilst respecting the individual and to develop behaviour support plans that identify proactive strategies (including environment modification, skill teaching and reward use) as well as reactive strategies.

 This service includes:

  • A highly experienced BCBA Consultant who assesses, develops and oversees the children’s learning programme
  • At least 2 RBTs who are responsible for the daily implementation of the programme. The tutors are all highly trained, however further training will also be provided to ensure they are able to adapt their experience and knowledge to individual children’s interventions for better results.
  • Baseline assessment and on-going assessments (using well researched tools like VB-MAPP, ABBLS-R, AFLS) to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child and to ensure steady progress.
  • 5 hours per week of intensive 1 to 1 tuition and therapeutic intervention.
  • Parent training to ensure consistency and transferability of skills within the natural environment
  • 6 monthly assessments by a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT)and an Occupational Therapist (OT) whose recommendations will be implemented within the programme for achieving an even more comprehensive curriculum.
  • The programmes also follow the National Curriculum where appropriate, ensuring adherence to the national standards and offering support for transitioning into less structured settings.