We recognise that our pupils will have unique needs and approaches to learning, therefore we use a blend of assessments and curriculums to best serve the individual needs of each pupil. Examples of curriculums we might use include the VB-Mapp (Ver-bal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program), ABLLS-R (The Assessment of Basic Language and learning Skills), AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills), Pre-Key Stage 1, Pre-Key Stage 2 and the National Curriculum.
We seek to engage our pupils in school and learning through the delivery of a flexible and challenging curriculum where all lessons have a sense of discovery. We provide opportunities to develop their confidence and self-esteem, to think creatively and take risks, work independently and collaboratively, and to respect others.

Our aim is to increase the opportunities available to our pupils. We identify and nurture each young person’s talents, so that they can experience success, develop confidence and thrive within the wider community. We provide pupils with opportunities to learn, understand their own difficulties and strengths and equip them with functional skills and emotional strategies to help them navigate through the stages of life. We will work collaboratively with parents and educational, health and social care professionals ensuring we achieve the best outcomes for our pupils.
We believe all students have the right to an appropriate curriculum that ensures they make significant progress and evidence-based interventions that facilitate the delivery of the curriculum. The Blooming Tree supports the right of all students to equal access regardless age, culture, religion, ability or disability.